Sunday, November 9, 2008

LOVE: The Truth Behind The Lies


People lie, a lot. White lies or not, little or big - still fibbing, right? I lie. And you lie too. But what matters is the gravity of every lie. What's the truth behind the lies?

Studies say...

True lie #1: The most serious lies are told by (and to) the people we care about most

True lie #2:When it comes to little lies, though, our romantic partners see more of our true selves

True lie #3: The more attractive you are, the more people will lie to you

True lie #4: Romantic partners are worse than strangers at detecting each other’s fibs

True lie #5: When asked to ’fess up to their most serious lie, affairs are by far the most common

True lie #6: If you admit to a lie, it might not save a relationship
Ever heard someone say “If only he/she had told me the truth, I could have forgiven him/her”? Not so.

True lie #7: Think liars don’t care about other people? Often, just the opposite is the case

True lie #8: “I did it for you” —that’s what people claim when they tell lies to their romantic partners

True lie #9: Even after lying to their romantic partners, liars claim that they are not bad people

I do lie. But not that grave. Faced with a situation of uttering a lie or not, I just change the topic or hush. Either way, it do me a lot of good.

As much as possible I try to avoid lying. I value relationships the same way I value honesty. Lying is lying. Fibs are fibs. And as we know, telling lies spoils trust big time.

[excerpt from MSN]

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