Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The President Runs for Congress

What an awkward situation we have here. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) is running to seek seat in Congress. Yeah, I find it very unusual. Is she running away from something? Is she overwhelmed by power and cannot have enough of it? What would make a President -the Chief Executive, the Commander-in-Chief, the highest ranking government official- decide to run for a lower office?

Public service knows no position. You can serve with or without goverment post. After GMA served as Vice President, Acting President and followed by being elected as President, are those positions not enough to satisfy her hunger for power? Can she not be content with those to still cling onto a lower post?

Sure, she cannot run for the Presidency post because it is not allowed by the Constitution. Instead of taking a rest away from the crazy world of politics, GMA opted to take her chance to grab a Congressional seat. Why can't she give chance to deserving candidates? Being a Congresswoman won't save her from corruption raps but it will give her immunity from libel or slander suits in a speech uttered while the Congress is in session. But I think it is not the only reason why she is still running...

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