If you feel it every now and then, let me tell you that it happens to everyone. But not everyone overcomes it. If you’re one of those people who, up to now, are confined by burnouts, well think again, it will not make you productive!
But don't fret. If you happen to be in this situation, press your pause button and read on…
It is not good to have burnouts because you become idle and uncreative. It is different from block, though a creative block might have been caused by burnouts. Even if you rested well or you have active lifestyle, you may still be susceptible to being blocked with fresh ideas. That’s an instance of creative block. Burnout, meanwhile, is being unproductive for a stretched period. Unlike creative block, burnouts are destructive. Your desired remedy is to run away or have a moment alone but is it really the right solution?
You may not be aware that preventing burnouts is easy. Here are some helpful tips. Follow them to keep burnouts away…
Set small breaks. Take your coffee breaks (How 'bout a cup of espresso?). Walk around your abode. Do some stretching or simply stare blankly at something. This will help you prevent fatigue and stress. It can also refresh your mind.
Have a healthy lifestyle. You can’t think and act well when you’re starving, so eat a balanced diet and fill your body with stamina to keep you going. What we eat controls us in a subtle manner. We are taking this for granted that sometimes it’s too late to recover our health – then we regret.
Take care of your body. Do not abuse yourself with diet, sleeplessness and stress. Take a frequent trip to your doctor and take care of yourself nutritionally. Exercise or indulge in sports to keep your body fit and sound.
Be inspired. Watch a movie, listen to inspirational songs, visit a museum, read your favorite book, enjoy a stage play, a gig, or a concert, learn a new hobby, enjoy other people’s company. Think of your family, your friends and loved ones - they are your inspiration. Having an inspiration gives you the cool edge to do the right thing.
Take a vacation. Have a break dude! Go to the beach. Hang out in a cozy bar. Hike. Pamper yourself in a spa or beauty salon. Visit a historical site. Have fun with nature. By this you can recharge your creative side to widen your thoughts even more. Experiences make us stronger and wiser so welcome every experience in your life.
Learn to meditate. Everyday, you need a little time alone to contemplate on your life – what you want, what you need and how to get it… You have to reflect on your experiences, your mistakes, your goals in life. Sometimes a silence to soothe your mind is indispensable. Try yoga and other stuff to appease you. You can also light an aromatic candle to relax your senses while meditating.
Shun denials. Admit your stresses and pressures which have become obvious physically, mentally or emotionally. Physical pain forces can lead you into callousness.
Avoid Isolation. Develop new friendships. Renew intimacies with friends and loved ones. Intimacy not only brightens your perspectives in life, it can also be anathema to depression and anxiety. Being alone, at some rate, molds your independence. However, it is in socialization that molds your personality as part of the dynamic society.
If necessary, alter your circumstances. If something or somebody is pulling you down, change the circumstance. You may leave or stand by your right. It’s not healthy to keep a grudge against a person - say it, resolve it.
Lessen your intensity. Pinpoint your most concentrated intensity and try to assuage the pressure. If you are relaxed, you can do productive things more than a constrained individual. Try something new. Open your horizon to lots of things. You may discover something different that can unburden you. You may be tired of the routinely work.
Learn to say ‘No’. You can refuse additional tasks, demands or commitments. You’re not a super dynamo as they think you are. You cannot do all things at the same time. It is not a weakness to admit your limits. It’s a manifestation that you know how to organize and manage your time and effort. Saying no politely is the best remedy to this.
Rescue yourself. Sometimes you have to delegate, back off and detach, this way you will not be pressured and distressed. Try to get some help. If the loads are too heavy then ask for help. You can outsource if you need to.
Reassess your ideals. Do you still have those meaningful and idealistic values you once had? Do you know how to discard non-essentials from essentials? Are you now well-rounded than before or has remained self-centered? Do you still know your priorities? Ask these questions to yourself, the answer might save you from getting astray.
Pace yourself. Learn to take life in moderation. Use your energy in a productive way. Ascertain what you want to achieve but try to balance it with love, pleasure and relaxation.
Diminish your worries. Most of our worries are hardly to take place so spend less time worrying. Worrying restricts you - nothing good about it, isn’t it? Better yet, have a good grip and take care of your real needs.
Keep your Sense of Humor. Reminisce your happy moments. Being happy is a shield against burnouts. It gives you a positive outlook in life. It makes you appreciate the goodness in others and in life. Smile more, laugh a lot! It so easy and its contagious. It’s a therapy all for free.
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