What painted a smile on my face? It's the sports headline.
1. Fernando ALONSO (Renault), 1h57m16.304s
2. Nico ROSBERG (Williams), 1h57m19.261s
3. Lewis HAMILTON (McLaren Mercedes), 1h57m22.221s
Here's an excerpt of an interview after the much-celebrated win:
Q: Fernando, bad luck with mechanical trouble on Saturday but you made up for it today with a fantastic drive.
Fernando ALONSO: Yeah, fantastic. A first podium of the season and first victory as well and I am extremely happy. I cannot believe it right now, I think I need a couple of days to realise we won a race this year.
Yes, Fernando Alonso is back on form. I am so happy for him. After years of troubled career, the double world champ is wowing F1 aficionados again. Go Pando!
My body clock woke me up before 7 in the morning. It’s a gloomy day. But it’s not just the day. It’s also gloomy inside of me. Why? Today is his funeral…
I knew him for years now. Before we met, I already know so much about him. Those things made me interested in meeting him in person. So we met…
The first time I saw him, I knew he’s adorable and nice (he’s Mr. Happychondria – happy all the time). There was an instant spark. Chemistry is evident. And we can’t deny it. Feeling comfortable in each other’s company, we meet again. And again. And over and over again. Until the time came when we’re separated by distance and circumstance.
Now it’s not just miles and controllable matters that separate us. It’s death. And it’s beyond my control.
“Life is short.” I read it a hundred times. I heard it more than that. But it is only now that I feel it down my core. He died at 25. He planned to do many things in the future. Those plans will remain dormant because he is no longer around to execute them.
God gave us life thus, only He can take it. Our Creator called him. He went ahead. Sad thing I was left. Now that he’s gone, I can’t help but miss the words he say, the things we do, the games we play, the places we go to, and the dreams we build. It’s over. Is it really over?
by cOn
Who will wipe my clouds when they’re gray? Who will lead me home when I’m astray? Who will hold me tight when I need cuddling? Who will stop my tears from falling? Who will make me laugh when I’m in despair? Who will show me how to care?
I had no idea you’ll be gone. I had no idea you’ll die young. I could’ve tried making you stay. I could’ve kept your warmth as you lay.
With whom shall I share my love? With whom shall I share my life?
I’m holding back my tears. I’m fighting all the fears.
Now that I can't hold you, Now that it's futile to fight for you, There’s one thing left to say...
Just as simple as that. And I thought it was just one of my friend's ill-mannered sms jokes.
Unfortunately, it wasn't.
Another sms arrived. It contained the details of his death. Acute Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas, a digestive gland in the abdominal cavity. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, and jaundice) - the cruel culprit. I'm sure my mind, upon reading the message, can't accept the glaring fact that just happened. I was in a state of denial. I chose to dwell in that state for quite some time.
The fact won't sink in. I know it was true. But I can't accept it...just yet. Truth be told, I'm not good at losses. I mean, I can lose material things (which rarely happens) and dismiss the thought with a shrug. But losing people is a different thing especially if it means you will no longer see them for the rest of your life. I can afford to lose material things because I can replace them. But I can't replace people. I can't replace lives.
We separated in a good way - not so good though. But we've patched things up. Few months back, we were good. We hang out with his friends and homeboys. We played together. We enjoyed each other's company. I don't have the slightest idea it will be the last.
It was a total shock. It was a solid blow. Up to this very moment, I refuse to believe he's gone - physically.
I can still feel him. I am still thinking of him. And his memories will forever linger in my mind and in my heart. But I just want to tell him that I appreciate everything that he's done me. I love how he loved me and I will miss him dearly.
Thank you for sharing your life with me. Thank you for the gift of you. May God bless you in your journey.
One day we will meet and the Author of Life will lead us where we belong. Somewhere eternal. Somewhere where there is no end.
Awrayt. NAIA Terminal 3 is now open to all. Domestic and international flights are pretty much welcome at the bigger and better terminal. Here are my candid shots of the T3...
T3 is posh and comfy. Foods are sumptuous. Books are good. But don't forget your atm/credit cards or crisp cash to sustain your needs inside the terminal. Posh and comfy equate to being pricey. Uhuh.
And oh, before I forget, delay is still inevitable. But when you need delay, it's nowhere to be found. Brand new terminal, same old delay. How ironic.
BAR. Just the mere thought of it makes me shiver and coat. What made me feel that way? Take this picture:
A total of 1,289 have passed the 2007 bar examinations, the Supreme Court announced on Saturday afternoon, making for a 22.91 percent passing rate as 5,626 law graduates from 109 law schools took the bar examinations September last year,reported PDI.
To note, the passing percentage was already adjusted to increase the number of passers. The report continued...
The 22.91-percent passing rate for the 2007 bar would have been much lower, perhaps an all-time low of 5 percent, had the passing rate not been adjusted from the traditional 75 percent to 70 percent. "Due tounusually strict corrections, it was decided to lower the passing grade to 70 percent," Associate Justice Adolf Azcuna said in a press conference.
That's how dreaded the exam is. That is also why BAR is pretty much feared. Imagine the fanfare. It is the only exam that catches mass media's attention from the first day of the examination up to the announcement of passers. Imagine the pressure and the rigors just to be called compaƱero or compaƱera or be admitted to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP). Attorney - just a title added to your name subsequent to passing the BAR. But getting it may mean going extra mile and be a victor. To some, losing courage and despair. To a few, losing their very sanity.
September is one of my favorite months. I was born in September, that's why. Unfortunately, it might transform into one of my "almost" hated since the entire month is for the Bar.
Tomorrow I will be going to Manila to feel the chill of Bar's first Sunday. Last year, I joined the BAROPS (Bar operations) Committee for the last Sunday of the exam. As they say and based on what I have witnessed, 4th Sunday of the Bar is no less than delirious. And that's not an overstatement.
This time around, I will be witnessing how barristers manage butterflies in their stomach, constipation/lbm, death-defying pressure (whatever that means), and so much more. Thanks to the Bar's morbidity. Thinking that I will be taking the Bar next year sends me creeps. Oh my.
Good luck to my friends, batchmates, and other barristers who will be taking the Bar this year. Give it your best shot! Aja!
Today's my birthday. But unlike my previous birthdays, today's the most nightmarish I've ever had.
It's like everything is lost...almost. I lost my job (though I am now working). I don't get to see my close friends/co-employees that often. School's over so I'm missing my classmates as well. Strange thing is, I feel that this is just the start. More terrifying things are yet to arrive. What's the feeling?
Before this day is a strong storm. After today is a deluge.
Have you ever felt that way? I know, it's not good to trust your instincts most of the time. And I'm not doing that for the longest time. That's not what law school has taught me. I do exercise judgment without taking sides, without surmises and conjectures. Never whimsical.
But just for today lemme entertain my instinct. It's just so sad. Given the fact that my loved ones called me up, I still want them near. I'm used to being alone and independent. But today, yes today, it feels so wrong.